How long does a Boosted Board charge last?

The charge time of the boosted boards depends upon the battery and its power unit. The battery has a charge cycle rating of over 2000.

An average rider has a lifespan of about 5 years. We never recommend leaving your board entirely depleted for long periods because all batteries self-discharge a tiny amount and your battery could be damaged.

Boosted Boards

Boosted boards were first made in the year 2012 and everyone liked this concept by three Standford Students of Engineering who desire to launch a motorized electric skateboard.

Till the year 2017 boosted boards were in light and are considered utterly a bandwagon product. 

Youngsters love to cruise around the town on boosted boards and even sportsmen have started using power-motored boards for winning the competitions.

The story is not over yet, boosted boards were then used to show off different tricks and earn money. 

Are Boosted Boards Getting Obsolete

When in the year 2012 boosted boards were out in the market there was a boom and everyone wished of having boosted boards for their leisure time.

But despite the continuous success, boosted boards went out of the market in the year 2020. That happened because of pandemic people left cruising outside and hence it broke the business of Boosted boards. 

There are several opinions on whether boosted boards are still in the market or getting obsolete

What Happened to Boosted Boards?

When the first wave of COVID hit the globe, people avoided going out for any sort of sport. Hence the electric skateboard industry has to shut its further manufacturing because of no customer demand.

Eventually, around March 2020, boosted boards and their manufacturing has been stopped and until now there is no start over in the making of boosted boards. 

When the boosted board went out of the business only “Boosted USA” own the inventory of it but still, they have less inventory left.

As Boosted USA has no legal right to start manufacturing the boards in the name of Boosted Boards hence one can’t question the quality of boards manufactured by Boosted USA because it’s an entirely different entity.

So the major concern by most people is that why did “Boosted Boards” fail? The answer is quite obvious!

Boosted Boards isn’t the only electric skateboard firm to go out of business in the United States in recent months.

After failing to raise the necessary funds, the firm was forced to liquidate before completing its electric scooter launch. So we have observed a continuous downfall in the manufacturing and sale of Boosted Boards.

Current Handlers of Boosted Boards

If you own a boosted board and want to know the technicalities and lucidity of it, this article would help you too. People have certain concerns regarding boosted boards and their usage. So we have covered the list of queries below.

How many miles can you get on a Boosted Board?

According to a Boosted Boardrider, he got his Boosted Board in early March of 2015, he shared his experience that he drove it 1,390 miles. It was his principal mode of transportation.

He further explained, both of his motors were experiencing troubles, so BoostedBoards (the most fantastic company in the history of companies) replaced them.

Hence from his experience, we get to know that a Boosted Board can get over 2000 miles and after that, you may need a replacement.

Can I leave my Boosted Board charging?

overcharging destroys the internal mechanism of any electric appliance. So it’s obvious that you cannot just let your motorized gadget on charge for a longer time. 

Whereas, most models allow you to leave your battery in the charger for as long as you choose because of the BMS.

The Battery Management System (BMS) can balance the pack if the battery is left on the charger. It’s a good idea to balance your batteries regularly to extend the life of your pack.

Why one may need to Prohibit Overcharging of a Boosted Boards?

Boosted Boards are meant to go for a longer run. It may require complete attention when comes to the charging of the board.

Radio interference, a dead remote battery, the unintended release of the Engage Button, downhill overcharging of a full battery, and other conditions can cause your board to lose power and brakes at any time.

So it is suggested that only use your Boosted board at speeds and on hills where you’d feel at ease without power or brakes.

Are Boosted Boards legal?

Electric Skateboards are legal in some countries So eventually on a whole, it is allowed to possess and ride a boosted electric skateboard. most of the countries don’t have defined rules and laws for the Boosted Boards.

But the laws would be required when you get on the road and where exactly your bike is. 

Can you use boosted board in rain?

Most of the boosted boards are good to go in the rain because they’re water-resistant.

The company “Boosted Boards” attempted to protect its boards from water by making essential parts such as the battery and the motor water-resistant.

But knowing that the water is an enemy of electronics, do not get your board swamp in the water. Meaning, just because they’re water-resistant doesn’t mean you can walk through puddles at will.

Are Boosted Boards good for college?

Boosted Boards are good for daily cruising so in any case, it’s an excellent board for college.

The board is ideal for college students because it is small, compact, and lightweight. The finest aspect about Boosted, though, is the quality.

Investing in Boosted will ensure that you get a high-quality electric skateboard that will last you for years.

Bottom Line

Boosted Boards shocked its supporters and customers when it closed shop in March 2020, despite its initial success and fanfare.

If you’re looking to buy a Boosted electric skateboard, a company called Boosted USA has taken over the remaining stock and in current times the inventory of it is limited.

So if you still have a boosted board, consider its repairing and revamping on time.