Can you ride an electric skateboard on the sidewalk?

Due to its flexibility and convenience, electric skateboarding has become popular in today’s society. Rather than going out on foot, people prefer to take an electric skateboard, since it gives them a sense of sport while still allowing them to do their job. 

Using an electric skateboard on a road or sidewalk is always fun, but riders must take a few important precautions.

Many people have the question of whether it is permissible to ride electric skateboards on sidewalks or if there is a requirement for obtaining a license prior to riding them on sidewalks or roads. 

Keeping in mind your queries and questions, we have lined up several authentic and sought suggestions to help you understand the need for knowing electric skateboarding and its rules and regulations required to follow in your area.

Before we debate where electric skateboards should be ridden, let’s see why and where electric skateboards are not legal yet in several countries.

In which Countries are Electric Skateboards Legal?

There are almost 10 countries that have approved electric skateboarding as a legal sport and have defined some rules and regulations for electric skateboarding. The 10 countries include

Florida Michigan California Singapore Germany 
Canada Australia Norway Belgium Sweden 

These countries have defined rules for electric skateboarding and are considered legal for riding off-road. Remember that these regulations are still evolving as time passes

So, if you’re thinking of acquiring an electric skateboard or using one in public, make sure you’re up to date.

So whenever you ought to buy an electric skateboard must find out information about the legality in your area. You can visit your local government and see if it’s legal in your area.

Now let’s see if it’s legal in your area, what are the rules and regulations of its usage across the countries, and can you ride an electric skateboard on the sidewalk? Here are some key points to understand that are electric skateboards allowed on the sidewalk

Uses of Sidewalks

Sidewalks are crucial in transportation because they provide a safe walking path that is segregated from motorized traffic. They improve road safety by reducing pedestrian-motorized traffic interactions.

Sidewalks prevent additional pedestrian crashes in addition to minimizing walking along roadways. Pedestrian collisions are more than twice as probable on roads without sidewalks as they are on roads with sidewalks on both sides of the street. 

As sidewalks facilitate pedestrians so while riding an electric skateboard, you are more likely to move on foot; hence it makes sense that you can ride an electric skateboard on the sidewalks.

But let’s not assume things and get the answer to a question with proof and evidence. 

Skateboarding on Sidewalk – Legal or Illegal?

As sidewalks are made for pedestrians, when you are cruising around on a traditional board without any sort of electric motor, then you may ride it on the sidewalks and off-road.

You need to understand the purpose of sidewalks as they are made to bring comfort and convenience in people’s life so rushing on sidewalks may danger or harm the passing by pedestrians.

Here are some points to describe whether skateboarding is legal on the sidewalks or not

  • To meet the purpose of sidewalks, you may ride a traditional skateboard on it with the condition of low-speed touring. 
  • Traditional boards or skate shoes can ride on the sidewalks in many countries because of the lower risk of danger. 
  • Some conditions like no rush riding, low speed, minimum range, and braking must be maintained while riding a skateboard on the sidewalks. 
  • As traditional boards are without electric motors, so there is no specific law that implies non-motorized transportation. 
  • As traditional skateboarding is more like a hobby, people don’t go out, so that is one reason why skateboards are not so prevalent.

Electric Skateboarding – Rules and Regulations

Electric skateboarding is a newly born sport and not so much popular in big cities. Though people found it exciting and fun while riding, we cannot say it meets the demands of the current world, and we can consider it an effective form of transportation.

No, electric skateboards haven’t attained that place yet. But still, we are aware of its use for emerging sports and its popularity among youngsters.

So to understand electric skateboarding its rules and regulations, here are some key formulates to give you a better insight:

  • Electric skateboards are made up of electric motors; hence it is a motorized vehicle, and some of the rules and regulations are applied to it.
  • Some countries (as mentioned above) have defined rules for electric skateboarding, whether on-road or on the sidewalks. 
  • Other than those, there is no proper rules and regulation for electric skateboarding whether off-road or on-road. 
  • If electric skateboarding is not legal in an area, then there is no chance of riding it on the roads and so on the sidewalks.
  • Though electric skateboard is popular among youth but is not common, not everyone uses it for daily cruising; hence, many countries don’t consider it sole transportation, so it doesn’t acquire any rules. 

As in most countries, electric skateboarding is not legal, and hence if you ride it on the road or the sidewalks, it’s entirely your choice.

So the answer to this question, “Are Electric Skateboards allowed on Sidewalks” is clear no except for some countries. 

So it is way better that you confirm it with your local government’s sports ministry about its legality and confirm whether you can ride it on the sidewalks or not, and then take a step. Otherwise, the consequences could be odd.


Riding electric skateboards will likely remain banned until they become more prevalent. As more individuals switch to electric skateboards as their primary mode of transportation, the restrictions may grow more permissive over time. You will not get into difficulty riding your electric skateboard if you work on being safe on the road for yourself and other road users.